Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sorry for my absence....

Been busy completing the above list:

(1) Wrote a small article and submitted some photo's [from the trip] to a magazine on campus [woohoo]
(2) Working on finishing essays; so far so good
(3) Went on a fantastic hike with Jack and my dog Jak{eeeee} today; it was fantastic weather for November so finally we got to bask in the sunlight and trek through muddy cornfields and swampy coniferous forests
(4) Have not been reading so much other than textbooks, which I devour everywhere... my history of sexuality class as some pretty scandalous chapters!
(5) Keeping myself interested- in rug hooking (I want to start!), cooking (mmmmm West African Peanut stewwwwww), the beat generation, hunting (I will explain later)
(6) Constantly dreaming- of today, tomorrow, ten years from now annnnddddd purple unicorns flying through marshmallow clouds
(7) Trying to write- anything!!!!! 

-Over and out, DDDDDDDD


  1. Your #6 is brilliant and inspiring.

  2. Unicorns are white D!!!!!!
    Silly girl>>>> Tricks are for kids!!!
