Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Disturbing Rest

The Chronicles of Delilah and Jack
Volume II
The Disturbing Rest


He opened his eyes and everything around him seemed to blurry. Just a mixture of black and red; lots and lots of red. He focused harder and things came into view…He was trapped in some sort of cage. He saw a large pool roughly the size of himself, which was filled with muddy water. As he looked around he also saw a very large wheel and a horrible sense of pain and exhaustion washed over him. He coughed, and blood spattered all around. He pushed himself up and realized that he could barely stand. He slipped back down into the pool of blood in which he was lying in, and again blood splashed about. A shooting pain from the upper part of his left leg, led him to shutter. He came to the realisation that the blood in which he was standing in was his own…he quickly closed his eyes horror …Darkness again…

A loud ear piercing screeeeeeeeeeeeeeech wracked his whole body with unbearable pain. The ground shook violently. He opened his eyes, only to watch in terror a huge claw with razor sharp nails scrape against the bars of his prison, creating a horrible ringing sound. The vibrations made his very bones ache. He writhed on the ground, as the violent tremors continued. His eyes were closed again, only to open the next time, amid all the ensuing chaos to see a gigantic furry beast, with huge razor sharp blades for teeth. Again the horrible screeching noise and rattling of his jail caused him the upmost discomfort and unimaginable horror. Then he saw the eyes of the satanic beast. Glowing blood-red circled a pupil of the deepest, darkest pigment imaginable. Two shining obelisks, sending him into a hypnotic state as he anticipated what was about to happen next. While gazing into the endless void of this remorseless creature’s eyes, he felt something pierce the left side of his body. In tremendous pain and agony, he felt himself lifted out of his pool of blood and off the very ground itself. His prison was gone, and all he saw was the blood stained teeth of the demon getting closer and closer. He looked down and saw that the ugly yellowish claws of fiend were now dripping with fresh blood from piercing though his body. “This is it he thought”, as the he was so close to the creatures mouth that he could smell the rotting stench of decaying flesh, dried blood. “This is it”…He closed his eyes….


Jack awoke in a terrible sweat. His was pounding so fast that he was having trouble breathing. He looked around frantically. But when he saw the humming glow of a makeshift fire, and beautiful brown owl sleeping on a tree branch a short distance away He was able to breathe a sudden sigh of relief and calm down.

To be continued...

Signing out, Jack...

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