Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Deer and Book Collections.

     If I could choose a favorite animal it would be a deer. I collect deer figurines (I especially like the porcelain ones from the 50s). Below are a few of my favorites (although I have about 30). Jack bought me the one in the middle for my twentieth birthday. Her name is Passion, at the time we were house sitting for one of my good friend's parents and their dog is named Phoenix. Jack, who has never been the best with names continued to call her Passion the entire weekend which I found hysterical, hence the name!
   In the background you can see a bit of my book collection, which as of late has been getting kind of out of hand. Right now my books, Jacks books and the ones we have collected together lay about in heaps or are precariously perched on the edges of shelves. The other day I was sitting, getting ready for school, and a stack of books fell on my head! When we get back from our trip we are getting a new apartment, so we have to pack them up. Until then, I wait in anticipation of setting up our bookshelves and putting everything in order!


1 comment:

  1. Wow your book shelves look exactly like my ones at home!!!!
    All porcelain animals and the paper backs. Scary!!!
